Webinar ‘Fostering online intercultural communication with Flipgrid’

Venerdì 3 luglio, dalle ore 15, il socio ANILS Attilio Galimberti presenterà al webinar ‘Show & Tell’ per Linguascope.

Titolo dell’intervento: ‘Fostering online intercultural communication with Flipgrid’.

In times of Covid‐19 I’d like to show how an educational platform can contribute fostering online language exchanges in two languages, with Australian students learning Italian and Italian students learning English.
Bio: I’m an EFL teacher and teacher trainer in Italy for MFL teachers’ associations, and CLIL teacher trainer for Italian Universities. Always been passionate about languages, innovative teaching methodologies & learning technologies.

See my website(attiliogalimberti.webs.com/aboutme.htm).

Il link per l’iscrizione al webinar è il seguente: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/9015936003217/WN_gaVhDinRQne4hQP5h332UQ

Elenco degli eventi formativi: https://www.linguascope.com/training/
