Brescia 09/05/2024
dalle 09:00 alle 13:00
Università degli Studi di Brescia DEM – Dipartimento di Economia e Management Aula Magna S. Faustino
Via San Faustino, 74 – Brescia (BS)
This collaborative knowledge café between Trinity College London Italy and CLA – University of Brescia examines the importance of communication skills between vocational and technical schools, universities, and the professional landscape. Led by experienced conversational facilitators, the initiative explores data-driven approaches to fostering confident communication skills within these diverse settings.
Through engaging conversations, participants will discuss concrete strategies for helping their students develop the communication skills they need to succeed in the workplace and at University. They will also explore how to use self-assessment to help their students identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a personalized plan for improving their communication skills. By the end of the knowledge café, participants will have shared insights and resources to help their students become confident and effective communicators in all aspects of their lives.
This knowledge café will provide a valuable opportunity for teachers to share best practices and collaborate on innovative strategies to facilitate a smooth transition and ensure language learning continuity between vocational schools, universities, and the professional world.
By embracing a data-driven approach, the café will promote evidence-based approaches for fostering confident and competent communicators in the 21st-century workforce.
8:45 – 09:00 Registration and Networking
09:00 – 09:30 Introduction
09:30 – 11:45 The Knowledge Café
11:45 – 13:00 Coffee break & visit to Department of Economics
Docenti di Lingua Inglese e docenti CLIL delle Scuole Secondarie di Secondo Grado
Lingua di Lavoro
Condizioni di Partecipazione
L’iniziativa formativa è gratuita e a numero chiuso.
Trinity College London – Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016).
E’ previsto l’esonero dall’insegnamento secondo la normativa vigente.
Questa iniziativa è inserita su S.O.F.I.A., il Sistema Operativo per la Formazione e le Iniziative di Aggiornamento predisposta dal MIUR con codice identificativo numero 90966.
Per ottenere l’attestazione di SOFIA sarà necessario iscriversi sulla piattaforma entro le ore 23:59 del 07/05/2024.
INFORMAZIONI E ISCRIZIONI QUI: https://www.trinitycollege.it/incontra-trinity/data/8349