Torna l’appuntamento mensile #TeachingHacks della Rete ANILS Mondo!
Durante i nostri incontri, ci ritroviamo su Google Meet e discutiamo diversi temi sull’insegnamento delle lingue straniere o della lingua italiana.
Il tema del prossimo incontro, tenuto per la referente UK, Selene Genovesi, sarà la nuova sessione su GCSE in Inghilterra e l’uso di Flashcards.
Per partecipare:
Martedì, 31 gennaio · 4:00 – 5:00PM (ore italiane)
Link alla videochiamata: https://meet.
Link alla videochiamata: https://meet.
GCSE is the first proper exam pupils will sit in UK, making it paramount for their future achievements.
As language teachers, we must try and adapt our teaching strategies to empower our students, so to reach the best outcome. Although not compulsory, GCSE Italian is a very popular choice amongst UK students. Like for all other modern languages, the preferred way to build vocabulary and memorise short sentences seems to be the use of the so-called “flashcards”. However, do they actually work? And if so, to what extent? Is it only a way to tick boxes or will it actually give the students a solid knowledge of the language?
In this month’s 50 minutes of #teachinghacks we will discuss this debated method and share past and present experience with our colleagues. This session will be delivered in English.