Victory School is now Hiring K4 & K5 Italian Immersion Teachers and Bilingual Paraprofessionals.
Presentazione scuola
Victory K-8 & Milwaukee Italian Immersion School offers Italian language classes from K4 through grade 7, and is transitioning to full Italian immersion beginning with four-year-old kindergarten in 2016-17. We are meeting the needs of our Gifted and Talented students through differentiated learning and engineering for students. Victory also offers band, drumline choir, art, physical education, computer access and a librarian on staff, along with both morning and afternoon care. We encourage our parents to be involved! Several annual family events are held such as PTO Welcome Back to School event, open houses, Water Day, PBIS dances, a STEM fair and a holiday program. Parent-teacher conferences are held twice a year and our PTO and Governance Council meet on a monthly basis. We offer college, career and leadership-focused field trips for our middle school students. Our students have access to a nurse as well as a guidance counselor.
Job description
a) Titoli: Laurea, abilitazione
b) Professionali: tre anni di esperienza maturata nell’insegnamento (qualsiasi livello);
c) Culturali: conoscenza inglese livello B2/C1.
Modalità di reclutamento
a) Invio CV;
b) Colloquio via Skype.
Orario di lavoro e retribuzione
a) Orario lavoro: 30-35 ore/settimana;
b) Retribuzione: $ 55.000-65.000/anno.
School Address
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