The FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of the JOURNAL SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA will be hosted at theUniversity of Cagliari and Sassari, Italy, June 6 through 8, 2019, by Scuola Democratica, Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica (Università di Cagliari e Sassari).
The conference stands as an opportunity to present and discuss empirical and theoretical works from a variety of disciplines and fields covering education. The focal theme of the Conference is a trend currently affecting many countries invested by processes of globalization: the advent of what Colin Crouch called «post-democracy» (check Keynote Speakers list).
Organizers, promoters and partners of the Conference wish to invite educators, teachers, researchers, scholars, academics, scientists, professionals, experts and policy makers to join the conversation and bring the disciplines towards a more integrated set of alliances by:
- promoting a trans- and inter-disciplinary discussion on urgent topics;
- fostering debates among experts and professionals;
- diffusing research findings all over international scientific networks and practitioners’ mainstreams;
- launching further strategies and networking alliances on local, national and international scale;
- providing a new space for debate and evidences to educational policies.
Each of the 9 streams has several tracks and each track claims to be a podium for raising voice to overcome geographical and cultural barriers while exercising emerging ways to identify the challenges in the context by joining studies, gathering together and networking.
Main abstract submission guidelines:
- Abstracts (written in English and not exceeding 500 words) should be submitted by February 28, 2019 (check Dates and Deadlines). Track Convenor(s) are responsible for reviewing, accepting/rejecting and organising submissions into their track;
- Abstracts have to be edited in the template form (click to download) and then submitted via the submission platform;
- Abstracts have to include: 1) title; 2) author’s name and surname, institution and email address; 3) five keywords; 4) abstract’s text (no more than 500 words all included).
To-do list for submitting your proposal:
- Choose your thematic track and download the corresponding PDF file;
- Use the abstract template (click here to download) to edit your proposal;
- Submit the edited proposal via the submission platform (“Make Submission” button).
Selected abstracts will be published by March 20, 2019.
The final program of the Conference will be released by May 20, 2019
(check important dates)